Journal of Community Service, ABJIS accepts manuscripts or articles in the field of applied research and results of quantitative and qualitative scientific research into community service formats covering relevant scientific fields including:
Islamic education; Training and service of Muslim communities; Islamic art; Student service to the community; Service of underdeveloped areas; Local food safety; Islamic product design; Islamic marketing; Empowerment of Muslim communities; Appropriate technology; Education for sustainable development; Islamic law.
Journal of Community Service, ABJIS accepts manuscripts or articles in the field of applied research and results of quantitative and qualitative scientific research into community service formats covering relevant scientific fields including:
Islamic education; Training and service of Muslim communities; Islamic art; Student service to the community; Service of underdeveloped areas; Local food safety; Islamic product design; Islamic marketing; Empowerment of Muslim communities; Appropriate technology; Education for sustainable development; Islamic law.
Journal of Community Service, ABJIS accepts manuscripts or articles in the field of applied research and results of quantitative and qualitative scientific research into community service formats covering relevant scientific fields including:
Islamic education; Training and service of Muslim communities; Islamic art; Student service to the community; Service of underdeveloped areas; Local food safety; Islamic product design; Islamic marketing; Empowerment of Muslim communities; Appropriate technology; Education for sustainable development; Islamic law.
ABJIS : Jurnal Kajian Islam Al Bahjah Terindeks :
Karya ini dilisensikan di bawah Lisensi Internasional Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 .
Kantor Redaksi
STAI Al Bahjah Cirebon. Jalan Pangeran Cakrabuana Sumber, Kota Cirebon, Jawa Barat, Indonesia Email: lp2m@staialbahjah.ac.id/