
  • ABJIS: Al-Bahjah Journal of Islamic Community Service

    Al-Bahjah Journal of Islamic Community Service (ABJIS) published by the Institute for Research and Community Service, Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Al-Bahjah Cirebon (PPPM STAI AL-BAHJAH) is a peer-reviewed journal which contains scientific articles from various scientific disciplines adopted in various service activities to society and other applied research. Articles published in ABJIS include original scientific research results, new scientific review articles, or comments or criticism of existing writings published in ABJIS or in other scientific periodicals. ABJIS accepts manuscripts or articles in the field of applied research and downstream results of community-based quantitative and qualitative scientific research into community service formats.

    This journal is published every 6 months.
    every January and July each year.

  • AB-JOIEC: Al-Bahjah Journal of Islamic Economics

    AB-JOIEC: Al-Bahjah Journal of Islamic Economics is a scientific journal published by the Islamic Economics Study Program STAI Al Bahjah Cirebon which accommodates researchers and publishes original. Manuscripts through peer review. Focus and Scope, as follows: Sharia Accounting, Islamic Business Management, Human Resource Management, Sharia Economics, Islamic Banking and Finance, Sharia Economic Law

    AB-JOIEC: Al-Bahjah Journal of Islamic Economics published by Departemen Shariah Economics Sekolah Tinggi Islam (STAI) Al-bahjah Cirebonin two times a year i.e August and December.

  • ASCENT: Al-Bahjah Journal of Islamic Education Management

    ASCENT: Al-Bahjah Journal of Islamic Education Management is an educational journal that published by Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Al-Bahjah Cirebon. The journal is provided for teachers, academics, researchers, educational policymakers, and professionals from education interested in this field.

    ASCENT: Al-Bahjah Journal of Islamic Education Management is published twice a year in August and December.

  • AB-JME: Al-Bahjah Journal of Mathematics Education

    AB-JME: Al-Bahjah Journal of Mathematics Education is a journal published by the Mathematics Tadris Study Program, STAI Al-Bahjah Cirebon. Mathematics education journal publishes scientific papers in the field of mathematics education. Writers come from various levels ranging from students, teachers, lecturers, practitioners, and practitioners of mathematics education.