The AB JOIEC accepts research results articles in the field of mathematics education that have never been published. Manuscripts are typed using the Word program, Times New Rowman , font size 12, using A4 paper with 2.54 cm top, bottom, left and right borders.
All authors in the article must be listed/typed in OJS when filling "authors" in the article submission process.
Articles are written in Indonesian, The spacing between lines is 1.0 spaces. The beginning of each paragraph indents to the right about 10 beats.
Systematics of research results articles: Title, Author Identity (Name, Afifiliate, and Email), Abstract accompanied by keywords, Introduction, Methods, Research Results and Discussion, Conclusions no less than 12 pages
Article title not more than 12-15 words and, typed in the middle (center), using Times New Rowman with font size 14 pt, and written in bold (bold), and Capitalize Each Word.
Author Identity: full name without academic degree (if there is more than one author, then all authors' names are included along with the institution of origin of each author) using Times New Rowman with 11 pt font size, and in bold. While the email listed is only the email of the first author or the author of correspondence.
Abstract written in Indonesian and English using 1 space accompanied by 3-5 words or Keyword phrases (written alphabetically), using Times New Rowman with a font size of 10 pt. The length of the Indonesian abstract is between 200-250 words (English abstract adjusts). Abstract is written in one paragraph which contains at least the objectives, methods, and research results. Abstract and keywords entered in OJS are abstract and keywords in English.
The introduction should be able to describe the background, literature study, research objectives, and the importance of the research being carried out. The literature study in question should pay attention to the following aspects: (1) Present important works that support and underlie research such as current research in Islamic Economics; (2) Synthesize previous research, not just a list or summary of existing studies; (3) Include credible sources (eg peer-reviewed journal articles); (4) Do citations from sources accurately, so that they reflect what is published in the original source (try to quote primary sources); and (5) Add relevant international research literature. All of these sections are presented in an integrated manner in the form of paragraphs, between these paragraphs using 1.15 spaces (before-after paragraphs).
The method contains an explanation in the form of paragraphs about research design, data sources, data collection techniques, and data analysis. In more detail, the methodology section should include the following: (1) From what population the subjects were taken, how and why they were selected, and how many were included; (2) Describe the background of the selected subject; (3) Explain how each research variable is measured; (4) Describe how the research instrument was adapted or developed; (5) Describe the detailed procedures used to analyze qualitative data, if any; (6) Use research designs and methods that are in accordance with the research objectives; and (7) For quantitative data, use appropriate statistical procedures that satisfy the assumptions.
Research results and discussion contains exposure to the results of data analysis in accordance with the objectives. Each research result must be discussed as the meaning of the results and associated with theories or similar research results so that the novelty of the research results can be seen.
Conclusions contain research findings in the form of answers to research questions or in the form of a summary of the results of the discussion. Conclusions are presented in paragraph form, not using numbering and bullets.
References contain all references referred to in the text of the article which are sorted alphabetically and typed 1 space. The references used are at least 80% of journal articles whose year of publication does not exceed 10 years, provided that the number of references is at least 20 which are primary sources. The author must also include all the references used in OJS. Writing citations and references follows the rules of APA Style 7th Edition and it is advisable to use a Reference Manager such as Mendeley.
All texts are reviewed by expert editors according to their area of expertise. The author of the article is given the opportunity to make corrections (revisions) of the text on the basis of recommendations or suggestions from the editor. Confirmation of loading or rejection of manuscripts will be provided online through OJS.
Everything related to licensing of citations or the use of computer software for the manufacture of manuscripts by the author of the article, along with the legal consequences that may arise because of it, are the responsibility of the author of the article.