Author Guidelines
1. Manuscripts must be written in Indonesian and must never be published in any journal that has an ISSN or ISBN.
2. The manuscript submitted is a scientific study resulting from case studies or literature studies. All cases accepted must focus on difficult, unique, and rare cases with unusual problem resolution that are important to publish.
3. The manuscript must be written in the form of an article, not a report and presented following the principles of good Indonesian grammar.
4. Authors must register as authors at this link; ABJIS: Al-Bahjah Journal of Islamic Community Service ( before they can enter the Journal of Community Service, to send and upload manuscripts.
5. The manuscript will be published in the Community Service Journal after being reviewed by peer reviewers.
6. The editorial staff has the right to edit the manuscript without making any changes to its content.
The manuscript author is responsible for the contents of the published manuscript.
7. Journal of Community Service will notify the author if a manuscript is not published.
8. Manuscripts and illustrations submitted are legally the property of the publisher and may not be published in other media without official permission from the publisher.
9. Support from journal writers is expected by using references from the published Journal of Community Service.
10. All forms of communication must be electronic.
11. The writing template can be downloaded on the Journal of Community Service website: ABJIS: Al-Bahjah Journal of Islamic Community Service (
12. For further information please contact: Contact | ABJIS: Al-Bahjah Journal of Islamic Community Service (
B. The Guidelines for the Manuscript
ABJIS : Jurnal Kajian Islam Al Bahjah Terindeks :
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STAI Al Bahjah Cirebon. Jalan Pangeran Cakrabuana Sumber, Kota Cirebon, Jawa Barat, Indonesia Email: